Films in the Context of Equality Legislation

Fri 8.3. | 10:30–12:00 | Industry Centre: Terde | In Finnish

Are you a content creator who would like to learn how to foster equality through your work? This panel discussion explores how equality legislation can be applied in practice, especially in the context of content development. We provide concrete examples and tips on what to consider when making plans about the target audience, the content itself, the narrator and the personal characteristics of the characters.

The panel will feature Professor of Acting at the Theatre Academy, actor and Chair of the Board of WIFT Finland Elina Knihtilä, writer-dramaturg Onerva Hannula, director Taku Kaskela, and director Pauliina Feodoroff. The panel will be moderated and chaired by our lawyer and a former Executive Director of WIFT Eeva-Sofia Anttonen.


What the WIFT, 10 Years! – networkin event
To 7.3. | 18:00-19:00  | Vooninki

Come and meet women influencers in film and TV and raise a toast to the 10th anniversary of Women in Film & TV WIFT Finland! The event is for new and old members and those interested in creating a closer network in the industry. There will also be an opportunity to become a member.


Women in Film & Television Finlandin logo.