Forest as the Object of Attention and Struggle

Sat 9.3. | 12:00–14:00 | Cine Atlas 3 | In Finnish | Free Entry

Tampere Film Festival’s dense forest-themed programme is accompanied by a panel discussion Forest as the Object of Attention and Struggle. Short films about the forest adhere to the long tradition of nature photography in Finnish art, but also challenge it. At the same time, the forest space around us is shrinking all the time. How does a filmmaker look at the forest, and what about an activist? And what do we even look at when we look at the forest?

In the panel discussion, the nature and current state of the forest will be discussed by filmmakers Maija Blåfield (Scenic View, 2023) and Salla Hämäläinen (Metsänpeitto, 2012), film researcher Kristiina Koskinen (PhD in nature documentaries), philosopher and activist Otto Snellman (seen in Virpi Suutari’s film Havumetsän lapset, 2024), and Tuomas Rantanen, publisher at Voima and NGO activist. The discussion will be moderated by Tytti Rantanen, programme coordinator, film essayist and curator at AV-arkki.

