International and Generation XYZ competition – one week left to submit
Submissions for the Tampere Film Festival’s 2024 International and Generation XYZ competition end already next week, on Wednesday 1 November 2023!
Also, the regular deadline for the National competition is already 31 October, after which the competition fee will increase. November is the last month to submit a film to the competition – the final deadline for the National competition is on 1 December 2023.
You can submit for the competitions online through the FilmFreeway or Festhome platforms. The rules of the competitions can also be found on their websites. The films selected for the competitions will be announced by the end of January 2024.
Now is the time to act, if you still want to enter your film in the competitions!
More information about competition awards, submitting instructions and rules on the competitions page.
In the Spotlight: Pirjo Honkasalo – Orenda’s Finnish Premiere at Tampere Film Festival
Pirjo Honkasalo, one of Finland’s internationally most successful directors, will be celebrated for her over 50-year career
Calling for volunteers!
Tampere Film Festival is coming to town for the 55th time 5–9 March of 2025. Before you