
We are all capable of making the world a little bit better. Tampere Film Festival recognises this, and actively aims to strengthen the realisation of equality and environmental responsibility in its actions. This applies to both the festival event itself as well as the organisation’s work surrounding the festival. Here you will find more information on how we strive to implement social and ecological responsibilities in Tampere Film Festival’s operations.

We also recognise that this work is never done. Though we do our best, some things may still be overlooked. You can send feedback, suggestions and comments regarding the subject to

How is Environmental Sustanaibility Present in Our Actions?

  • We avoid single-use culture. We favour rental, loan and recycle services or invest in long-term acquisitions. Whenever possible, the festival’s public relations materials are designed to be as long-lived as possible. Our event marketing is focused on online marketing channels and we print hardcopies only when absolutely needed.
  • We avoid the unnecessary wasting of energy, water and natural resources both in our festival office as well as at the festival venues. Waste is recycled at all our venues and the amount of general and food waste is minimised.
  • Only vegetarian food is served at the festival’s own functions and we require vegan options from our partner restaurants.
  • For both our guests and staff, we recommend that they avoid flying and favour public transport. The festival provides transport locally only.
  • We calculate the festival’s carbon footprint and commit to decrease it with environmental actions. We promote environmental themes in the festival’s programming. We take a stand and endeavour to increase people’s awareness about the state of nature and the environment.
  • In March 2024, Tampere Film Festival was granted the EcoCompass environmental certificate.
  • With the EkoCompass environmental management system, we aim to develop our operations in a more environmentally friendly direction. To obtain the certificate, ten criteria must be met, including an environmental pledge and annual reporting on the measures and criteria of the pledge. Checks on compliance with the criteria are carried out every three years.
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of our festival is at the heart of our environmental pledge. We pay particular attention to improving our monitoring methods and aim to improve our results every year. We are also looking for additional resources to develop our sustainability.


Ecocompass certifiacte with a slogan: We are committed to saving natural resources. We have been granted an EcoCompass Certificate.

How is Social Sustainability Present in Our Actions?

  • We recruit persons of varied backgrounds into our staff, juries and festival board.
  • We follow the safer space principles in all our undertakings.
  • We want to facilitate the equal opportunities of taking part in the festival by offering online and free screenings each year.
  • We strive to provide diverse job opportunities for local entrepreneurs and businesses alongside long-term partnerships. In our acquisitions and collaborations, we favour local and independent, responsible businesses.
  • We draft written employment contracts, and require and uphold work safety.
  • The majority of our public relations material is in two languages, Finnish and English.
  • In our public relations material and imagery, we take into account people with diverse backgrounds.
  • We strive to improve the festival’s overall accessibility. All festival venues are either fully accessible or have assisted accessibility options. Please let us know if you detect any problems regarding accessibility:
  • Each year, we donate to varied charities.
  • In our programming, we highlight human rights and minorities. We screen diverse and social films from all over the world.
  • At our events, we consider health and safety aspects and follow the latest recommendations and guidelines.
Safer Space Principles

What Sustainable Actions Do We Expect from Our Guests?

  • We recommend arriving at the festival either on foot, by bike, by public transport or carpooling.
  • Please do not take festival brochures or other printed materials needlessly. Please keep hold of the materials throughout the festival.
  • Please bring your own lanyard with you. If that is not possible, please return the lanyard provided by the festival to the assigned boxes located at the festival venues and festival hotel.
  • We encourage our returning volunteers to hold on to their festival T-shirts and to reuse the same shirt in future years.
  • Please do not leave any promotional material at our venues.
  • Please recycle all waste according to instructions.
  • Please remember the health safety: stay home if you’re ill, maintain proper hand hygiene, and cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing.
  • Please get to know the safer space principles and act accordingly. Please take action and notify the festival staff if you notice or witness any misconduct at any point during the festival. The harassment contact person is Riina Mikkonen ( / tel +358 44 476 5203).

Our Future Goals

Our goal is to minimise the festival’s environmental footprint even without compensation. We pay special attention to the development of monitoring methods and strive to improve our results each year. We also look for additional resources with which to develop responsible action.

We recognise that the accessibility of our event is not flawless and aim to make future choices in a manner which takes into account any potential problems and strives to resolve them.

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