WHAT THE WIFT! – When They Go Low, We Go High: Taking Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Back

Industry Event

Language: Fin Duration: 1,5h

  • kalenteri-ikoni Thu 6.3.

  • kelloikoni 17:30–19:00

  • karttaikoni Industry Centre: Vooninki

  • For accredited guests, Free entry

The ideas about equality so hard fought for are under siege even in democracies around the globe. It is time for Finland to step up again and show the world what we are made of! Women in Film and Television Finland works relentlessly to make and keep the audiovisual industry inclusive, equal and accessible with a variety of means, including the Equality Tool, and with everyone, who share our mission. On stage and in fire Reetta Aalto, on diversity Ada Pajari ja Jennifer Sonprasit, on WIFT and its activities Marjaana Mykkänen and Minna Haapkylä, who also hosts the event. Welcome to prevail! 

The event is in Finnish, by request briefly in English. 

WIFT Finland

WIFT Women in Film & Television Finland