Get Together! – How Working in a Collective Can Support Filmmakers

Industry Event

Language: Fin Duration: 2h

  • kalenteri-ikoni Sat 8.3.

  • kelloikoni 10:30–12:30

  • karttaikoni Industry Centre: Vooninki

  • For accredited guests

In this event, we talk about how collectives can support the artistic work of filmmakers. The topic is discussed in filmmaker talks and in a panel discussion, through personal experiences and practical examples. This event will be held in Finnish.

Documentary director Karoliina Gröndahl shares her insights on how being a member of a film collective has influenced her films. Screenwriter, director and dramaturg Katri Myllyniem will talk about methods for giving and receiving feedback in a collective setting.

In a panel discussion, three documentary filmmakers from three different generations will tell more about their own collectives.


  • Miina Alajärvi from Documentary Film Collective Antares
  • Anu Kuivalainen and Timo Korhonen from film collective Elefantti
  • Mia Halme from film collective Pingis.

At the end, the audience is given the opportunity to get to know each other in a facilitated networking session.

The event is organized by the Documentary Film Collective Antares and the Finnish Documentary Guild. Antares is a documentary film collective based on peer support and mutual care. The Finnish Documentary Guild is an association for documentary filmmakers with more than 300 members across the country.

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