Generation XYZ 3

Our Generation XYZ screenings offer fresh horror and suspense films in short form. Themes in the third screening include sorrow, sci-fi and survival.

Language: Eng Duration: 92 min Age Limit: 16+

  • Avoin ulko-ovi, jonka kynnyksen yli puskee zombeja.


    Director: Jean-Claude Leblanc
    Country: Canada
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Fiction
    Duration: 15 min

    He had promised her love and faithfulness until death do them part, but Antoine, the widower, will be willing to lose his soul to be reunited with his wife on the other side.

  • Claymation-hahmo istuu tuolilla pelokkaan näköisenä lautanen ja haarukka käsissään.

    Demons in the Closet

    Demoneja kaapissa
    Director: James Smith
    Country: Germany
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Animation
    Duration: 2 min

    A resident is challenged by demons from another realm in his closet.

  • Takapenkillä ja pelkääjän paikalla istuvat automatkustajat peittävät käsillään kuskin kasvot.


    Director: Myriam Verreault, Brigitte Poupart
    Country: Canada
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Fiction
    Duration: 19 min

    A poetic crossover in a ruined world where each one survives alone in the collective disarray. The bodies in movement, dance and physical prowess replace the word and embody and reveal bruised characters, haunted by a past that is sweeter than this crumbling world.

  • Astronautti ja avaruusoliomainen hahmo seisovat vastakkain aavikkomaisemassa.


    Director: Giselle Bonilla
    Country: United States
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Fiction
    Duration: 3 min

    Set on a barren planet, a creature named Mort’s daily routine is interrupted by the crash landing of a human spaceship.

  • Metsässä neljä puupölkkyä, joihin on veistetty kasvot.


    Director: Vincent Ercolani, Julius Schulze Farwick, Nicholas Dues
    Country: Germany
    Year: 2024
    Genre: Fiction
    Duration: 18 min

    Germany, 1945: The Second World War is over. Josef, a former SS colonel, lives a secluded life in a hut deep in the forest. His only companions are his bees and a rabbit that he reads to. The idyll proves to be a facade, because the demons of the past haunt Josef.

  • Piirroskuva, jossa avaruusalus leijuu veden pinnan päällä. Pinnan alla odottavat valtavat, terävähampaiset leuat.

    Record. Play. Stop.

    Nauhoita. Toista. Pysäytä.
    Director: Neeraj Bhattacharjee
    Country: India
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Animation
    Duration: 7 min

    We follow a lone probe as it collects music amongst the infinite fields of sounds, in a quest to find its place among the stars. The probe is eons old and has probably outlived its makers. Yet, it still tries to send back songs of the aging universe around it.

  • Kaksi valkoisiin pukeutunutta henkilöä valkoisessa huoneessa nojautuvat toisiaan kohden.


    Director: Kenneth Pulgar-Vidal
    Country: Japan
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Fiction
    Duration: 8 min

    Synapse follows a story of a female shut-in gig worker who does whatever it takes to have breakfast with her husband once again.

  • Keski-ikäinen mieshenkilö katsoo suoraan kameraan koristeltu kypärä päässään.


    Eye of the Fen
    Director: Topi Raulo
    Country: Finland
    Year: 2023
    Genre: Fiction
    Duration: 20 min

    Far in the future, in a place that was once called Finland, there lives a people whose history is shrouded in mystery. A mythical song describes the past, but it is not enough for the Young One. Fortunately, there is a sect in nearby fen that preserves ancient knowledge.

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