National Competition presents the short films selected into the competition.
Language: Eng, Fin Duration: 85 min Age Limit: 12+
Thu 6.3.
Finnkino Cine Atlas 2
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Fri 7.3.
Finnkino Cine Atlas 2
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Director: Heta OkkonenCountry: FinlandYear: 2024Genre: AnimationDuration: 3 minA girl tries to escape the noise of the mind, thoughts and memories that fill the spaces. Is there peace to be found from yourself?
PantyhoseDirector: Fabian MunsterhjelmCountry: FinlandYear: 2024Genre: FictionDuration: 15 minA couple are about to attend an important gala. They have their keys, phones and invitations, but there is a hole in their tights.
Taivas on punainen ja valkoinen
The Sky Is Red and WhiteDirector: Johanna LecklinCountry: FinlandYear: 2025Genre: Documentary, ExperimentalDuration: 27 minThe Red and White Sky addresses the mystery of the filmmaker's female relative, who was killed in the Finnish Civil War in 1918 in Vyborg. Was the distant relative the leader of the female Red Guard? The film also deals with ethical concerns associated with filmmaking, which witnesses another person's life.
Director: Anton TammiCountry: SwedenYear: 2024Genre: FictionDuration: 14 minGloria’s attempt to kidnap the heir of a wealthy family succeeds in getting him through her apartment door. But once there, mistakes will soon plague her less-than-perfect plan.
Speeding, of CourseDirector: Anni Sairio, Joonatan TurkkiCountry: FinlandYear: 2025Genre: Animation, DocumentaryDuration: 4 min70-year-old Timo makes the most of his short ride to work. Speeding up on a bicycle ends up into a ditch, but the adrenaline rush leaves a feeling of pleasure. The short film Speeding, Of Course combines documentary interview material, wild sound design, and exhilarating cutout animation playing with shapes into a joyful story about the charm of speed. The story offers the viewer a reminder of the simple joys of everyday life and the importance of taking pleasure in the small moments amid the ordinary days. Timo's bicycle joyride inspires playfulness throughout life.
IURIMA – taru kolmesta kalastajasta
IURIMA – A Tale of Three FishermenDirector: PV LehtinenCountry: FinlandYear: 2025Genre: FictionDuration: 24 minThree starving fishermen encounter something unexpected on a remote island in the 1890's. A visual mystery story with horror elements.